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"Faut-il arr?ter le Canal le 31.10.2008" | Connexion/Créer un compte | 58 commentaires
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nHnCSNZouFVgX (Score: 0)
par Invit le 1 mai 2014 à 15:01:55

That was awesome.In the Kennedy ad, I'm sturck by how whiny it sounds. Hearing the lady complain about the cost of washing her clothes made me want to laugh. That level of petty complaint seems common for Democrats even now.The Johnson ad is very revealing. Could this be a Democrat's first use of the disaffected Republican? It must have been very influential because the concerned-conservative-turned-liberal is a guiding narrative strategy for today's middle-left. They love that strategy and reward anyone who takes it, and when they can't find anyone to take it, they make it up!The Eisenhower ad is so delightfully sensible (or apparently so), just like the 1950's-era Disney film on menstruation shown on BoingBoing yesterday. The 1950s have gotten a bad rap for too long now. The 50s haven't been popular since the 1980s. The Ford ad is insane--was he going for the pre-tween vote with that one? Did he think Republicans were absorbed with the political opinions of their children? Or, was he trying to reach the swing vote? (Erm, the swing-set vote...) It's wonderfully patronizing to suppose that's what Americans wanted to hear from a Presidential candidate, but also rather honest.

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